Monday, November 16, 2009

Online OC Journalist Brings Local News to Worldwide Viewers

As I check my emails, someone suggested for me to try out, another writing site. Since I am getting tired of writing part-time how-tos on ehow, I check out allvoices and join it. I start writing articles on it right away in order to build my portfolio on it. I also work on increasing my fanbase and viewership by posting on Facebook, Digg, and Twitter. There is also a Tweetmeme. But I still need more views.
As I read other people's articles on allvoices, I consider writing recaps of antm and survivor reality shows on triond because a woman on allvoices is writing Dancing with the Stars recaps. So, I hop on the Internet freeway and go to triond, where I continue building up my articles there with entertaining reality show recaps of the crazy people on these shows.
All of the sudden, I realize that I haven't gone to Associated Content recently, and I need to write an article on that site. But what? I need something unique that I haven't written on my other sites. So, I consider writing a Fashion update for November and December 2009 fashions. Then, there is Bukisa. I will add all the stuff that ehow and other sites are not interested in for some reason, on it. Most people on ehow copy their ehow how-tos into Bukisa anyway to further market their how-tos to a large viewership. And, I will also add my not so unique articles into Bukisa portfolio because the other writing sites prefer a more unique and newer selection.
And, around my writing schedule, I try to go to the gym at around noon to de-stress and relax as well as occasional weekly trips to the mall for some brainstorming of local ideas or topics to write about.